Community Spotlight

With demands for high quality audit, workloads are increasing. Technology takes the strain off people so they do what they're good at - thinking!

Beever and Struthers

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John Toon
Tech Strategy Lead

Hey, I'm John, Senior Audit Manager and now Tech Strategy Lead at Beever and Struthers. My latter role is focused on improving the firm's engagement with tech partners with a particular emphasis on ensuring our tech, processes and people are in sync. What this entails is identifying new products, like DataSnipper, and transforming existing processes to enhance our efficiency to reduce the strain on our teams. The most important part of the role is training and communicating with our teams on the possibilities.

What is the biggest challenge in audit transformation you recently faced?

The biggest challenge we recently faced has been the implementation and use of analytics in audit. When we first started we didn't have a clear expectation of the impact analytics could have. We struggled with the data and our methodology which made it feel like hard work.

And how did you solve this challenge efficiently?

First, we refined our objectives for data analytics - we identified one test area (journals testing) that was a quality weakness for us and then rolled that out uniformly across the team. 

Then, we had a number of champions who helped to monitor usage and provided additional training resources for the team. 

And finally, we recruited data analysts (one of whom introduced me to DataSnipper) to assist clients and the team with the data ingestion and initial interpretation of the data. 

We're also looking to modify our methodology to allow data analytics to sit more comfortably within that framework and not feel like it's creating extra work.

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