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External Audit

Transform your firm with the Intelligent Automation Platform. Save time to focus more on high-risk areas, and create easy-to-review audit reports in Excel.

How we help

Say goodbye to repetitive work. DataSnipper adds value for your clients by automating for efficiency. Save time to focus more on high-risk areas. Use DataSnipper for your Tests of Detail, Tests of Control, Walkthroughs, and Financial Statement Procedures.

Automate your Tests of Detail

Automatically extract and cross-reference supporting documentation to your audit sample. For example, tying a debtor list in Excel with sales invoices in PDF. Say goodbye to repetitive work. Work smarter.

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Accelerate your Tests of Control

Easily document your test of controls. Create references to support your inspection and reperformance procedures by easily documenting your supporting evidence directly in Excel.

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Simplify Walkthrough Documentation

Easily follow a single transaction step by step throughout a process. Cross-reference every step. Document your walkthrough from initiation to recording, including identified internal controls relevant to your risk assessment. Easy to review!

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Automate Financial Statement Procedures

DataSnipper automatically verifies mathematical accuracy, internal consistency and prior year consistency within the financial statements. Say goodbye to the manual placement of tick marks, work smarter!

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Any team can benefit from DataSnipper.

Internal Audit

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Financial Control

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Government Audit

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