Community Spotlight

DataSnipper is an asset to both audit Preparers and Reviewers at The ODP Corporation for SOX and Operational Audits

The ODP Corporation

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Sarah Rodriguez
Senior Manager Internal Audit

We’re able to achieve accuracy and completeness during testing. From a reviewer’s perspective, all the evidence and sample data are in a centralized workspace on DataSnipper. The cross-referencing greatly speeds up review processes; you just click on a cell, and the reviewer sees exactly what they need to know. Document Management, Snips, and cross references make the entire review process simple—and we can feel confident that we aren’t missing anything.

What is the biggest challenge in audit transformation you recently faced?

DataSnipper is being used to effortlessly streamline The ODP Corporation's internal controls testing. By automating repetitive tasks and standardizing documentation, the platform enhances the efficiency of evaluating control effectiveness. It empowers The ODP Corporation's internal auditors to work smarter, freeing up time to investigate discrepancies and seamlessly meet regulatory requirements - both as a Preparer and as Reviewer.

Take a look at what Ariana Balda, Auditor, and Sarah Rodriguez, Senior Manager Internal Audit at The ODP Corporation have to say about their experience using DataSnipper in their testing procedures.

And how did you solve this challenge efficiently?

Using DataSnipper as an Internal Audit Preparer

DataSnipper plays a crucial role at ODP Corporation by capturing every attribute in testing procedures. The platform is extensively utilized for SOX and Operational Audits, where its ability to create and reuse templates significantly streamlines the preparatory process. The ODP Corporation has reported considerable time savings in controls testing due to DataSnipper. With templates already established for future tests, audit preparers anticipate that testing times could be halved in some cases. This increased efficiency not only accelerates the audit process but also allows The ODP Corporation's teams to concentrate more on analysis and less on routine tasks, enhancing overall audit effectiveness.

Using DataSnipper as an Internal Audit Reviewer

ODP Corporation achieves higher accuracy and completeness during testing, thanks to DataSnipper. From an audit reviewer's perspective, all evidence and sample data are centralized in a single workspace with DataSnipper. Cross-referencing features significantly expedite the review process; a simple click on a cell provides reviewers with all necessary information. The integration of Document Management, Snips, and cross-references simplifies the entire review process, allowing teams at ODP Corporation to conduct reviews confidently, assured that no details are overlooked.

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