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What is ESG?

May 29, 2024

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) has gained huge traction in the last few years. But what exactly is ESG and why is it becoming increasingly important? 

In this article, we'll dive deep into the concept of ESG, its significance, and how it impacts businesses and investors alike. 

Defining ESG 

ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance. These pillars are like a guide for evaluating how a company behaves in three key areas.  

With increasing social pressure and concerns about climate change, the world is becoming more focused on sustainable practices, making ESG criteria increasingly important for investors and businesses alike. 

Let’s dive into the three pillars of ESG.  

Want to dive deeper into ESG auditing? Download our whitepaper, Auditors in the Dark: ESG in a New Light, for insights on how technology is shaping ESG reporting.


The environmental component of ESG evaluates how a company interacts with the natural environment and its surrounding ecosystems.  

This involves examining various factors such as:  

  • The company's energy consumption patterns, 
  • Waste management and disposal practices, 
  • Efforts to reduce pollution and emissions, 
  • Strategies for conserving natural resources like water and land, 
  • And policies regarding the treatment and welfare of animals within its operations. 

These assessments help investors gauge the environmental sustainability of a company and its commitment to mitigating its ecological footprint. 

Curious how leading companies are improving their sustainability efforts? Download Auditors in the Dark: ESG in a New Light for practical tips on ESG audits.


The social element of ESG delves into how a company engages with various stakeholders, including its employees, suppliers, customers, and the communities in which it operates.  

It includes various factors, such as: 

  • Fostering positive employee relations, 
  • Promoting diversity and inclusion within its workforce, 
  • Ensuring consumer protection in its products or services, 
  • And upholding human rights standards throughout its operations. 

This aspect of ESG evaluation aims to assess the company's impact on society beyond its financial performance, emphasizing its responsibilities towards its stakeholders and broader societal well-being. 

Learn how companies are meeting social responsibility standards. Get expert insights in our whitepaper, Auditors in the Dark: ESG in a New Light.


Governance is all about how a company is managed and overseen.  

This includes:  

  • Examining the leadership structure, 
  • Assessing executive compensation, 
  • Ensuring proper conduct of financial audits, 
  • Establishing internal controls for asset safeguarding, 
  • Protecting shareholder rights, 
  • And ensuring transparency in decision-making processes. 

It also involves addressing issues such as corruption, monitoring political contributions, and handling legal matters to uphold ethical standards and compliance with laws and regulations. 

How are companies ensuring transparency and accountability in governance? Discover more in our whitepaper, Auditors in the Dark: ESG in a New Light.

ESG Assessment and Reporting 

Assessing a company's ESG performance means looking at how it impacts the environment, handles waste, manages its workforce, and promotes diversity in its leadership.  

Groups like research firms and credit agencies rate companies on ESG, but comparing these ratings can be tough because there's no standard method.  

For investors, knowing a company's ESG performance helps them understand its sustainability and risk management. Clear ESG reporting allows investors to make informed choices and encourages companies to focus on ESG factors. 

Want to better understand ESG reporting frameworks? Download Auditors in the Dark: ESG in a New Light to see how technology is streamlining ESG audits.

Importance of Transparency 

Transparency is important in ESG reporting. Companies are expected to be open about their ESG practices and how well they're doing. This helps investors know what they're investing in and holds companies responsible for what they do.  

Many companies now make yearly reports about their sustainability efforts. These reports follow guidelines from groups like the Global Reporting Initiative or the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board

Why is ESG important? 

ESG factors are becoming more important in investment decisions. They help investors look at how companies handle sustainability and ethics.  

ESG reports help spot risks and opportunities that normal financial analysis might miss.  

Plus, strong ESG credentials can boost a company's reputation and appeal to customers, employees, and investors, as they see the company as more responsible. 

ESG and Financial Performance 

Many studies suggest that companies focused on sustainability and ESG perform better in the long term. Investors are taking notice of this, adding ESG factors to their investment plans, not just because it's good ethically, but because it helps manage risks and potentially increases returns. 

Companies fixated solely on financial metrics risk short-term thinking, prioritizing immediate gains over long-term sustainability. Neglecting broader factors like environmental impact, social responsibility, and governance can undermine enduring success.  

Conversely, companies considering a broader range of metrics, including ESG factors, cultivate a longer-term mindset, fostering sustainable growth and enduring value for stakeholders. 

Looking to boost your ESG performance? Download our whitepaper to see how auditors are using technology to tackle ESG challenges.

ESG in the Future 

According to the latest ESG report from Bloomberg Intelligence (BI), global ESG assets exceeded $30 trillion in 2022 and are poised to exceed $40 trillion by 2030, representing over 25% of the projected $140 trillion assets under management (AUM). 

This is clear that ESG investing is becoming more popular, and it's expected to keep growing. Investors care more about how their money affects the world, so they want to invest in companies that are responsible and sustainable. 

Regulations are also pushing companies to think about ESG factors. In many countries, there are new rules that make companies consider these factors when they make decisions. 

For instance, the European Union's Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) mandates certain large companies to disclose information about their environmental and social impacts in their annual reports. 

Similarly, regulations such as the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations and the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) in Europe aim to integrate climate-related risks and opportunities into financial decision-making. 

In the United States, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has been increasingly emphasizing ESG disclosure requirements. While SEC reporting already covers a significant portion of ESG considerations, discussions about potential policies or legislation for more comprehensive ESG reporting standards are gaining momentum, indicating a growing relevance of ESG factors for US audiences. 

To dive deeper into how ESG impacts audits and how your organization can navigate these emerging challenges, download our whitepaper, Auditors in the Dark: ESG in a New Light. Learn how technology is transforming ESG audits and get expert insights to help your company stay ahead of the curve.


Why is ESG so complicated? 

ESG, or Environmental, Social, and Governance factors, encompass a wide range of issues that can vary significantly across industries and companies.  

Assessing ESG involves evaluating complex and interconnected factors, such as a company's environmental impact, social policies, and governance practices.  

There's also no universally accepted framework or set of standards for measuring ESG performance, leading to a lack of consistency and making it challenging to assess and compare companies accurately. 

What is an ESG score? 

An ESG score provides a numerical assessment of a company's performance in environmental, social, and governance areas.  

These scores are used by investors, rating agencies, and other stakeholders to evaluate a company's sustainability efforts and ethical practices.  

ESG scores can range from low to high, indicating the extent to which a company integrates ESG considerations into its business operations and decision-making processes. 

What metrics are used to determine ESG scores? 

ESG scores are determined based on a variety of metrics and indicators related to environmental, social, and governance factors.  

These metrics can include data on carbon emissions, energy efficiency, water usage, waste management, employee diversity, labor practices, executive compensation, board diversity, transparency, and ethical business conduct.  

The specific metrics used may vary depending on the ESG scoring methodology or framework being applied. 

Who determines which metrics are used for an ESG score? 

The metrics used for an ESG score can vary by the assessing organization. Typically, stakeholders like investors, rating agencies, regulators, and industry experts collaborate to decide on relevant metrics. These often align with established ESG frameworks such as GRI, SASB, or TCFD.  

Additionally, companies may develop their own tailored ESG metrics based on industry, business model, and stakeholder needs. 

What data is used for ESG reporting? 

ESG reporting relies on a diverse range of data sources to assess a company's performance across environmental, social, and governance dimensions.  

These sources may include company disclosures, regulatory filings, public records, third-party assessments, sustainability reports, and stakeholder surveys.  

By gathering and analyzing this data, ESG reporting aims to provide comprehensive insights into a company's sustainability practices, social impact, and governance structure. 

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