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Step-by-step Guide: Internal Audit Checklist

February 7, 2024

An internal audit is vital for every organization, no matter how big or small, or what industry it's in. It's like a health check for your company, offering an unbiased look at how things are running. The goal? To spot any potential risks and find ways to make things better. 

In this guide, we'll walk you through a detailed internal audit checklist. This way, you can make sure everything in your organization is working as it should, smoothly and effectively.

Understanding the Purpose of an Internal Audit

Before we get into the checklist, let's take a moment to understand what an internal audit really aims to do. It's not all about pointing out mistakes or areas where you're not following rules. Think of it as a forward-looking step that enhances how your organization operates and minimizes risks.

An internal audit digs into where things might not be as efficient as they could be, checks how well your control mechanisms are working, and makes sure you're in line with laws and regulations. 

But that’s not all. These audits also bring valuable insights to your management team, aiding them in making well-informed choices. Plus, they're instrumental in building a culture where accountability and transparency are at the forefront.

Preparing for the Internal Audit

Getting ready for an internal audit is all about preparation. You'll need a clear understanding of what you're auditing, the information required, and what you're aiming to achieve. Let's break down the steps to get you well-prepared for the audit.

Step 1: Define the Scope

Start by figuring out what exactly you're auditing. Is it a particular department, a process, or maybe the entire organization? Your audit's goals and the resources you have at hand will influence this decision. 

Once you've pinpointed the scope, write it down. This documentation will act as your north star, keeping the audit team focused and in sync with the audit's objectives.

Step 2: Gather Information

Next up, it's time to collect all the information relevant to the audit area. This might include policies, procedures, past audit reports, and other important documents. Going through these will help you get a solid grasp of the existing processes and controls. 

Don't shy away from chatting with key people involved in the day-to-day operations, too. These conversations can uncover risks and improvement opportunities that aren't immediately obvious from paperwork.

Step 3: Set Clear Objectives

Having clear goals is vital for the audit's success. These objectives need to line up with the broader aims of your organization and the specific focus of the audit. Make sure they're SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. 

Once you've established these objectives, share them with the audit team. This ensures everyone is moving in the same direction, aiming for the same outcomes.

Conducting the Internal Audit

After your prep work for the audit is done, it's go-time for the actual audit. Here's how you can navigate through this phase, step by step:

Step 4: Conduct Fieldwork

The fieldwork stage is where you dive deep into the organization's controls and processes. This might mean watching how things are done, going over documents, and talking to staff. Your goal is to check how well controls are working and spot any areas that could be better.

It's crucial to keep a clear and fair record of what you find. These notes are key—they back up your final conclusions and suggestions.

Step 5: Analyze Findings

With the fieldwork done, take a close look at what you've discovered. Search for any patterns or signs that point to bigger issues. Evaluate how significant any weak spots or problems might be.

Then, put together recommendations to tackle these issues. Your suggestions should be sensible, affordable, and in line with what the organization is trying to achieve.

Step 6: Report Findings

Now, it's time to share what you've found. Your audit report should lay out the findings clearly and include your advice for making improvements. Don't forget to add a plan of action that outlines the steps needed to fix the issues you've identified.

Share this report with management and go over the details with them. This conversation is crucial—it helps make sure they grasp the problems and are ready to do what's needed to sort them out.


An internal audit is more than a check-up; it's a key to enhancing operations and mitigating risks. This checklist guides you through a thorough audit, aiming not just to find issues but to foster organizational growth. It's designed for auditors at any level, offering clear steps for a successful review. 

Here's to making a positive impact on your organization. Happy Snipping!

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What are the 5 C's of internal audit?

  1. Criteria: Standards used for evaluation.
  2. Condition: Current state compared to criteria.
  3. Cause: Underlying reasons for deviations.
  4. Consequence: Impact of identified issues.
  5. Corrective Action: Measures to address and prevent issues.

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